
Category Archives: Process of Aging

The month of February is host to arguably the most romantic holiday, so it may come as no surprise that February is commonly referred to as the month of love. We mean, who wouldn’t love a holiday where the most …

In Canada, one attempt to define the boom came from David Foot, author of Boom, Bust and Echo: Profiting from the Demographic Shift in the 21st century (1997). He defines a Canadian boomer as someone born from 1947 to 1966, the years that more …

It can be tricky when it’s impossible to pop in every day, but there are still lots of things that you can do to ensure they are safe and supported. Our changing lifestyles and work demands mean that many of …


Health Is the New Wealth: Living Longer, but Are We Living Better?

The Number of Seniors in Canada Exceeds Children under the Age of 15 The number of seniors in Canada is growing and the pace at which Canada’s senior population is aging is not slowing down anytime soon. In 2035, Canada …

Although the holiday season can be a happy and joyous time for most of us, many older adults and seniors find the season hectic, confusing and even depressing depending on their mental, physical and emotional conditions. The good news is …

For many seniors, the magic of Christmas has nothing to do with presents, but with presence. It is supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year, but for some seniors Christmas can be lonely and a bleak period …

There’s no shortage of opinions these days about social networks and the decline of its in-person social connections but the internet can also be a positive force, especially for older adults.  The Brain and Social Connectedness: GCBH Recommendations on Social …


This is a follow-up to a previous blog post, titled “Senior Loneliness and Isolation is a Major Health Risk that We Often Overlook” There are several reasons why elderly people can isolate themselves from the outside world. Isolation leads to …


New research in Canada is showing that our elderly population is growing increasingly lonely and isolated. As spouses and close friends die, and children grow and have their own lives to manage, many older Canadians are finding themselves painfully lonely. So much …


Dementia Care Dos & Dont’s: Dealing with Dementia Behavior Problems

Mid-to-late stage dementia and Alzheimer’s disease often presents challenging behavior problems. The anger, sadness, paranoia, confusion and fear that people with the disease are experiencing can result in aggressive and sometimes violent speech or actions. Understand and learn which strategies are …


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