This video of two older adults trying to figure out their computer’s webcam was an internet sensation a few years ago. It’s a charming and funny video, but it also highlights the growing popularity of technology among seniors. There are …
There’s no shortage of opinions these days about social networks and the decline of its in-person social connections but the internet can also be a positive force, especially for older adults. The Brain and Social Connectedness: GCBH Recommendations on Social …
This is a follow-up to a previous blog post, titled “Senior Loneliness and Isolation is a Major Health Risk that We Often Overlook” There are several reasons why elderly people can isolate themselves from the outside world. Isolation leads to …
With an increase in the proportion of Australians aged over 65, and high government expenditure on residential care, there is a strong imperative to find smart, safe solutions to support older people to stay in their own homes. There is …